

Hi, I am Yifan, an independent developer&designer and a Ph.D. stu @Geography,UW studying the intertwined society and geographical misinformation. I got my bachelor & master degree at Wuhan University in GIS and used to worked for Bytedance as a full-stack data scientist. Currently, my research focus on conceptualize, investigate and develop sociotechnial solutions to controversial satellite imagery (i.e. AI-generated satellite imagery, competing interpretations) in and beyond mass media systems.

You can get my up-to-date cv here, and go through my past projects at archived project.

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Hi, 我是小圈 (孙一璠), 独立软件开发者/设计师,一名关注地理虚假信息与社会间复杂交互关系的博士生@UW-Geogrpahy。我在武汉大学取得了我GIS相关的学士和硕士学位,并曾作为数据科学家为抖音工作。我当前的研究主要关注如何理论化和解读社交媒体及更宽广环境下存在争议的卫星影像并为其提供诸如deepfake检测模型,fact-checking platform的社会-技术系统解决方案。

最新个人cv请于此处获得,过往项目可于archived project中查阅。
